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Dental Tips
Norge Dental Center
May 18, 2021

How to Spot a Dental Emergency

How to Spot a Dental Emergency When it comes to your teeth, knowing what’s serious and what’s not can be tricky. Most dental issues will be just fine waiting a day or two without any consequence. True dental emergencies, however, require immediate attention. If you experience one of these tell-tale signs, it may be time to call Norge Dental Center or use our dental emergency hotline.

  • Severe Pain

Dull pain or discomfort can sometimes wait, but severe pain may be the sign of a serious issue. If you’re experiencing sharp pain or extreme sensitivity to hot and cold, call your dentist immediately for input.

  • Swelling or Abscesses

Visible swelling in your mouth or face or a noticeable abscess in a tooth could indicate an infection. Always take possible infections very seriously. They can progress quickly and pose significant danger if left unaddressed.

  • Chipped or broken teeth

Believe it or not, a chipped tooth is not necessarily an emergency, but in the case of an accident or injury, your dentist may want to see you as soon as possible. If you have questions about whether your tooth requires immediate attention, go ahead and give us a call.

  • Unusual Bleeding

Some bleeding after an invasive dental procedure is normal. Unusual or significant bleeding in the mouth should be cause for pause. Always familiarize yourself with your post-op instructions and keep an eye out for bleeding that won’t stop or seems excessive.

  • Loose or falling out teeth

While a loose baby tooth is likely just fine for a child, a mobile tooth is not normal for an adult. Call our office if you notice your tooth is loose or falling out so that we can help you determine the best course of action.

  • Persistent headache or jaw pain

Pain in your head and jaw could be related to a serious injury to your teeth or bones. If you experience persistent localized pain or a constant diffused headache, seek out help from our emergency hotline. Still not sure whether your situation qualifies as a dental emergency? We recommend erring on the side of caution. Give our Williamsburg office a call and we can help you decide how best to proceed. Note that if you have difficulty breathing or swallowing, call 911 right away. If you believe you are experiencing a life-threatening medical issue, please go directly to the emergency room. Luckily, many dental emergencies can be avoided through proper care. You can reduce your risk of a dental emergency by keeping up your personal dental hygiene and scheduling routine exams with your dentist. Prevention is always easier than emergency intervention. If you’re overdue for your next visit, call our office or request an appointment.

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