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Dental Tips
Williamsburg Dentist
Sep 21, 2022

Could sinus issues be the cause of your tooth pain?

Could Sinus Issues Be the Cause of Your Tooth Pain?

Believe it or not, not every toothache is the result of tooth-related issues. In fact, many other health issues can present as pain or discomfort in the mouth. Some of the most common non-dental causes of tooth pain are related to sinus issues.

Why Sinus Issues Can Translate Into Tooth Pain

Though it might not be obvious, your sinuses are located very close to your upper teeth. The roots of your back teeth might touch or even penetrate the sinus area. For this reason, any swelling or aggravation of the sinus area is sometimes transmitted as pain to the teeth. A sinus infection is one example of when the teeth might become more sensitive due to sinus issues. Seasonal allergies can also create sinus pressure that affects teeth.

What to Do If You Have a Toothache

If you're experiencing tooth pain, your first line of action should be to schedule an appointment with your dentist. It’s always best to rule out tooth issues as the source of your tooth pain. These can include infections, cracks to the tooth, cavities, and other conditions that require dental treatment.

Once you rule out dental issues, it’s time to consider other sources of your tooth pain. The location and severity of your pain is often a helpful indicator of what’s causing the issue. For example, tooth pain related to sinus issues is typically felt in the upper back teeth, nearest the sinus tissue. Stress, illness, or injury might also present as tooth pain, depending on the scenario. Your dentist can help you narrow down the possibilities and figure out the best treatment approach for you.

Look for Other Telltale Symptoms

Often, other symptoms besides your tooth pain can provide a clue as to the source of the problem.  For example, a sinus infection will likely be accompanied by other symptoms including:

  • Nasal stuffiness
  • Pressure in the sinus area
  • Fever
  • Pain in the cheekbones
  • Bad breath
  • Tenderness around the nose and cheeks

If you think that you have a sinus infection, seek your doctor’s recommendation for treatment. You should also rest and drink plenty of water to help your body fight the infection.

Not sure if you have a tooth issue or a sinus issue? At our office, there are no silly questions.Our dentists and staff care about our patients like their own families. We welcome the opportunity to help you make the best decisions for your oral and overall health. If you’re experiencing tooth pain or discomfort, give our office a call to schedule an appointment.

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