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Dental Tips
Williamsburg Dentist
Aug 17, 2022

Can Too Much Citrus Be A Bad Thing?

Can too much citrus be a bad thing?

Citrus fruits include oranges, grapefruit, pineapples, lemons and tangerines. There is no denying the fact that these fruits do offer an important abundance of Vitamin C. We need Vitamin C for healthy gums, as it is critical for maintaining its collagen. People with a Vitamin C deficiency often suffer from bleeding gums, which can lead to unstable teeth. Eating raw fruits, including citrus fruits, can also be helpful in saliva-production and cleansing your mouth.  

We like to encourage our patients to include Vitamin C in their daily diet but don’t over do it.  Yes, too much citrus can be a bad thing and wreak havoc on your gums and teeth. Consuming citrus too often and not brushing and rinsing out your mouth after can cause serious irritation and erode your tooth enamel.  

The problem with citrus is its highly acidic properties, combined with significant sugar content. The acid from citrus fruits can coat your teeth and start to soften and erode your tooth enamel. Since enamel doesn’t grow back, you’ll find that your smile is now exposed to tooth decay and compromised to other dental health complications.

Read about Laurie’s story with citrus:

I never thought craving pineapple and eating tubs of it daily, along with 3-5 tangerines would ever cause my mouth to be on fire.. but it did.

Recently I found out  I was expecting.  I had a very mild first trimester and my cravings were anything citrus.  For weeks I had as much as I could.. then the gums started to flare up.  Ulcers along with bleeding gums.. could it be because of all of the pineapple and oranges?

And so it was.  

So those warning signs in Hawaii about eating too much pineapple.. take it seriously.  Everything in moderation and don’t forget to rinse and floss!  

If it is time for your regular cleaning and exam, please reach out and we will be more than happy to schedule you an appointment with your provider.

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